How to use the cubes, especially for babies from 1 to 6 months:
Present the toy in different positions. The baby can lie down, face down, sit, or stand up. The required sessions are short and daily. They will be considered twice a day, lasting 1 or 2 minutes. The sessions are held according to the child’s demand and if possible at the same time. If it is observed that the baby is happy with this material, it can be repeated again. The environment should be calm with no distracting elements (no music, no cell phones, no television). From the fourth month on, use classical music.
Use of the toy:
- The 6 sides of the cube should be used, preferably starting with the figure of the circle.
- Start by presenting the cube without moving it in front of the baby’s face at a distance of 12 inches (30 cm). When we see that the baby’s gaze is fixed, we begin to move the black and white cube with a horizontal movement slowly to the left, up to the height of the ear, then we move the cube slowly to the right, up to the height of the other ear (two times).
- Then we center the cube in front of the baby’s face at a distance of 12 inches (30 cm). When we see that the baby fixes the gaze we begin to move the black and white cube in a vertical movement slowly from the center, first upwards upper part of the forehead and then down to chest height. You have to “look” for the baby’s gaze.
- For the last circular movement, the cube should be centered in front of the baby’s face at a distance of 12 inches (30 cm) when we see that the baby has fixed his gaze and we begin to move the cube in a circular movement and from there rotate towards the clockwise right.
- In the end, we can say sweetly: “Very good” or give you a smile.